Moms and Alcohol: A Cautious Cocktail
Moms and excessive drinking don’t mix. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, female alcohol use disorder in the United States more than doubled from 2002 to 2013. And with alcohol consumption posing a greater health risk for more women than men—including liver damage, heart and brain disease and breast cancer—there is even more cause for concern, especially among mothers. At a time when Dry January is trending among those looking to reduce their alcohol consumption, some women may be facing a more serious problem. To better understand moms’ relationship with alcohol, experts explain how to distinguish between normal and excessive drinking, where to turn for support and how to manage social drinking in the long term. Cultural Shifts Partly to Blame A variety of factors have contributed to increased alcohol consumption among women over the years, many of which have been fueled by society. Marriage and [...]